當(dāng)前速遞!安特衛(wèi)普大學(xué)Sara Bals教授講述納米材料的三維特性

2023-04-21 11:00:10







北京時間2023年4月21日晚八點,iCANX Talks 第140期將在iCANX平臺上線!本期我們邀請到安特衛(wèi)普大學(xué) Sara Bals教授進行分享納米材料的三維特性!更多精彩,敬請期待!


Sara Bals

University of Antwerp

3D Characterization of Nanomaterials under Relevant Conditions by Electron Tomography


Electron tomography enables one to measure the morphology and composition of nanostructures in three dimensions (3D), even at atomic resolution. However, an emerging challenge is to fully understand the connection between the 3D structure and properties under realistic conditions, including high temperatures as well as in the presence of liquids and gases.


Our recent experiments demonstrate the progress that can be obtained by accelerating both the acquisition and reconstruction during electron tomography. In this manner, we were able to perform a dynamic characterisation of shape changes of metal nanoparticles at high temperatures. Moreover, we measured the elemental diffusion dynamics of individual anisotropic bimetallic nanoparticles in 3D and determined the effect of parameters such as type of interfacial facets, aspect ratio, shape and presence of defects.


Finally, by combining aberration corrected electron microscopy with a quantitative interpretation, we can provide quantitative measurements of the coordination numbers of the surface atoms of catalytic nanoparticles at high temperatures and in gaseous environments.



Sara Bals studied Physics at the University of Antwerp from 1995-1999. She obtained her PhD in 2003 with greatest distinction and special honours by the jury. From 2003-2004, she did postdoctoral work at the National Center of Electron Microscopy in Berkeley, USA. After returning to UAntwerp, she became an Assistant Professor in the Physics Department. In 2018 she was promoted to Full Professor. She is currently the spokesperson of EMAT, consisting of 7 principal investigators, about 25 postdoctoral researchers and more than 30 PhD students. Moreover, she is the coordinator of the “Nanolab” Centre of Excellence at the host institution, composed of 6 research groups.

Sara Bals,1995年至1999年在安特衛(wèi)普大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)物理。2003年獲得博士學(xué)位,獲得了評審團授予的最高榮譽和特別榮譽。2003-2004年在美國伯克利的國家電子顯微鏡中心做博士后工作?;氐桨蔡匦l(wèi)普后,在安特衛(wèi)普大學(xué)任物理系助理教授。2018年,任物理系正教授。目前擔(dān)任比利時安特衛(wèi)普大學(xué)EMAT實驗室發(fā)言人。此外,她還擔(dān)任安特衛(wèi)普大學(xué)“NANOlab Centre of Excellence”的協(xié)調(diào)員,該中心由6個研究小組組成。

She was awarded an ERC Starting grant in 2012, an ERC Consolidator grant in 2018, received the award "Laureate of the Academy for Natural Sciences" by the Royal Flemish Academy in 2016, became Francqui research professor in 2017 and was elected as member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts in 2020. She received the European Microscopy Award in 2020 and the ACS Nano Lectureship award in 2021.

2012年,她獲得ERC Starting Grant資助,2018年獲得歐洲研究理事會鞏固基金(ERC Consolidator grant),2016年獲得了皇家佛蘭德學(xué)院頒發(fā)的“自然科學(xué)院獎”("Laureate of the Academy for Natural Sciences"),2017年成為弗蘭基研究教授,2020年當(dāng)選為比利時皇家佛蘭德科學(xué)與藝術(shù)學(xué)院教授。她于2020年獲得European Microscopy獎,2021獲得ACS Nano Lectureship獎。

